We Want You!
There’s a role in the zero2hero mission for every one.
With one in four young people currently dealing with mental health problems, zero2hero’s work is more important than ever.
Reach out to us below to find out more about how we can officially become partners.
Become a heroic corporate partner
For any questions, enquiries or to view our full partnership prospectus, please reach out to our partnerships team today.
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Empowered by Chevron
In 2021, we proudly welcomed our very first Empowerment Partner, Chevron, who have generously contributed $1.5 million towards our mission, helping us to reach 30,000 more young people by 2024!
Our 2023 impact at a glance
We believe that by educating and empowering our young people with knowledge and skills to support themselves — and help their peers to do the same — that mental health and wellbeing can be improved and suicide can be prevented.
View our annual reports
This financial year we were able to increase our programs and reach more young people than ever with the support of our partners across Western Australia.
Better Office Supplies Supporting Youth Mental Health!
The generous team at Better Office Supplies are now donating 20% of membership fees to support youth mental health.
Better Office Supplies is a dynamic education stationery supply business, catering specifically to schools, teachers, parents and those who run a home or small office. The BOS team have been in the business a long time, and pride themselves on their product knowledge and ability to provide exceptional customer service – and now, their support of youth mental health!