

A FREE life-changing program for young leaders.

Camp Hero LEADERSHIP Application  

Apply To Mentor  

Your camp adventure awaits!

Calling all young leaders who are keen to…

  • Develop their leadership skills
  • Join an epic adventure out in nature
  • Make new mates
  • Become a mental health hero for their community

At Camp Hero LEADERSHIP, top young leaders from all over WA are joined by mentors and experts over 5 days and 4 nights for an experience of a lifetime!

Each young hero will also receive an accreditation in the nationally recognised suicide prevention workshop, safeTALK, to learn how to support someone who may be thinking about taking their life.

Apply today to join thousands of other young people who have attended our one-of-a-kind camp program, step up as a leader, and make a real difference in your community!


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Apply for our April programs now!

WHEN: Sunday 13th – Thursday 17th April, and Tuesday 22nd – Saturday 26th April 2025

WHO: 15 – 18 year olds (Year 10 – 12 students)

WHERE: Nanga Bush Camp, Dwellingup, WA
*Transport from Perth provided

COST: FREE! Thanks to our generous sponsors.

Application link below.

Upcoming camp dates


  • Apr 13th 2025 - Apr 17th 2025
  • Nanga Bush Camp, Dwellingup, WA


  • Apr 22nd 2025 - Apr 26th 2025
  • Nanga Bush Camp, Dwellingup, WA

Calling All Mentors!

Want to make a positive impact on the lives of young people? Then apply to mentor on one of our upcoming camps.

Mentor Application  


Alumni Opportunities

If you’ve previously attended one of our Camp Hero programs and want an opportunity to give back, we are currently seeking volunteer support at our upcoming camps.


Apply Now  

Annual Camp Hero Impact Reports

Click here to learn about the impact Camp Hero Leadership has had on thousands of young Australians.

View Our Impact

Camp Hero MHL frequently asked questions

Why was Camp Hero MHL created?

Statistics have shown us that 80% of young people with a probable mental illness are seeking support and advice from their peers rather than a trusted adult or mental health professional. Our graduates are skilled in identifying the warning signs of mental illness and suicide and are trained in how best they can support those in need. Camp Hero MHL empowers and equips young leaders to become the mental health ambassadors of the future.  

When is Camp Hero MHL held?

Camp Hero MHL is a 5 day mental health and leadership program that is held during the school holidays, multiple times each year. New camp dates and application information will be updated on this page as they are released.

Who is Camp Hero MHL for?

Camp Hero MHL is open to all young West Australians aged 15 – 18 years old, who share a passion for mental health and a desire to impact their community.  Students must complete an application process to attend Camp Hero, which will be made available as camp dates are released.

How much does it cost?

Camp Hero is free for attendees. The cost is covered by zero2hero’s fundraising initiatives and student sponsorships.

What do students do on Camp Hero MHL?

Camp Hero MHL provides a safe space for students to discover who they are and what they value, and the opportunity to create meaningful connections with other young people who share a similar passion. The program offers young people an outcomes based education on mental health and wellbeing as well as communication and leadership, through a series of tailored workshops and activities.  With the support of their mentors students are encouraged to challenge themselves whilst building their awareness and confidence in supporting themselves and others. They also receive accreditation in the nationally recognised suicide alertness seminar safeTALK. This program teaches young people practical skills on supporting someone who may be thinking about taking their own life.

Can you hold Camp Hero for my school?

Yes. All our camp programs can be held for school groups.

Who can I talk to for more information?

Please reach out to for more Camp Hero MHL information.

Have some questions? Or interested in us running a Camp Hero program for your school?

Fields marked with * are required.

zero2hero programs

Every year, we impact thousands of young people across Western Australia through our mental health schools programs and leadership camps.

View All Programs