New data has revealed that 3,249 Australians died from intentional self-harm last year, highlighting the importance of quelling the heartbreaking toll of suicide in our community.
Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of Death 2022 report shows suicide is the leading cause of death for young people in Western Australia.
In WA, 377 people took their own lives in 2022, including 39 young people aged between 15 and 24.
In the past five years, 57 young West Australians aged between five and 17 died to suicide.
ABS data shows the number of young people aged 15-24 taking their own lives in WA has eased in recent years, decreasing from 58 in 2020 to 47 in 2021, and 38 last year.
zero2hero Chief Executive Officer Ashlee Harrison said while the number of young people dying to suicide in WA had decreased in the past few years, each death was preventable and caused immeasurable distress and heartache to families and communities.
“Sadly, suicide remains the leading cause of death for West Australians aged between 15 and 44,” Ms Harrison said.
“Each of these deaths is avoidable and represents missed opportunities for these young people to live full, happy and productive lives, not to mention the devastating ripple effect their loss has on family and friends.
“We know 75 per cent of mental illness presents before the age of 25 so education and early intervention is vital for young people.
“I’m proud to say zero2hero is helping to advocate change by building connections with young people and helping them navigate mental health challenges.”
Since 2009, zero2hero has been on a mission to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people, and prevent suicide in Australia.
Through our innovative school programs, leadership camps and fundraising events that focus on early intervention and the prevention of mental ill health, we aim to educate, engage and empower thousands of young people each year.
“At zero2hero, we facilitate programs that allow young people to connect with themselves and each other, to understand their needs and how to ask for help – before reaching crisis point,” Ms Harrison said.
“The way we engage with young people is authentic and real, and I am proud to say that it is working.
“Through our programs, we are having real impact in improving the lives of young people and giving them the life skills and tools to ensure they can handle these challenges.”
Last year, zero2hero engaged with 28,191 young people, trained 218 students in suicide prevention, provided 16,075 students with mental health education and reached 244 WA high schools.